dear bloggeretts and casual flyby goodbye nighters.
For the last two years, back to FRIDAY, OCTOBER 31, 2003, and 3559 entries later I have attempted to document what are some of the critical issues we as a global community face. Scanning the news, plowing through the violence, greed, thoughtlessness and devastation has been at times difficult to keep going back to, and as time went on my commitment slowly evolved to what transdada is/was.
I want to thank all those who have turned in to over the past two years. I also want to thank this virtual community for being there. I do hope on some small level I made a offering that assisted, made a difference, or informed.
and now it is time to be on the move, be nomadic, travel light and abandon this fortress I call home. My intention is to move to Auroville . transdada will be on a break, at least for two month, and i may only periodically add to the documentation I have attempted to do. If nothing else I will keep transdada going as a resource for all who may want to use it.
this does not mean I will abandon blogger land, I have a new blog TRANSSUBMUTATION, that I hope and intent to post to on my travels and when I get settled will start pod casting. so, please keep dropping into transdada and check out TRANSSUBMUTATION
thank you kari