Saturday, January 31, 2004
Intelligence Test
Bush speaks of 'intelligence failures' Bush speaks of 'intelligence intelligence failures' Now Bush Speaks of 'Intelligence Failures' over George Bush Bush Intelligence over Central Intelligence Agency for Intelligence over the George Bush Center for Intelligence over ' 'intelligence failures' failures' of intelligence work over a George Bush intelligence service... You decide. ... 'intelligence failures' as Political Joke or Political Joke Archives as George W. Bush's Intelligence categorey ... A.) George W. Bush's Intelligence Quiz or B.)George W. Bush Category: a Politicial Quiz with a joke visiting Intelligence Quiz. removing george , remove Pre-War Intelligence before 9/11 ... equals Intelligence failure Bush Intelligence Center for Intelligence Center for George Bush Failure Intelligence of some the things said by George as intelligence, or if we .. in the eyes of, because an uncontrolled military machine intelligence apparatus, financed George W. Bush's Intelligence Quiz 'intelligence failures' While visiting England, turn George W. Bush leadership philosophy and 'intelligence failures'
Friday, January 30, 2004
Thursday, January 29, 2004
UN takes step towards recognizing gay partners
By Evelyn Leopold
UNITED NATIONS, Jan 29 (Reuters) - The United Nations took a cautious step on Thursday recognizing gay and unmarried heterosexual partnerships among their employees by deciding to grant couples health and other benefits if their home country allows it.
New from O Books
(available from SPD:1341 Seventh St., Berkeley, CA 94710. Or from O Books: 5729 Clover Drive, Oakland, CA 94618)
Brenda Iijima's AROUND SEA is $12.00, ISBN # 1-882022-51-3.
Jackson Mac Low says about her book: *Brenda Iijima's AROUND SEA is a substantial, beautiful, and manifoldly interesting book of poetry. Her focus shifts smoothly from sonic word-play to informational passages drawn from natural sciences and even metallurgy to ecology and passionate urban sociology, and onwards. Her forms often change radically from one section of a poem to another and her rhythms are constantly chaning. Readers are happily kept on their toes.*
Anselm Berrigan says about the book: *Elements, moods, poisons, obstacles; Brenda Iijima's poems make use of all four, particularly elements, in forming the core of AROUND SEA. There is a strange, welcoming warmth to these poems that has nothing to do with forcing a personscape onto the land (though Iijima is starkly aware of that force's inexorable severity): -a terrestrial in the face of extra.- I feel calm during and after reading AROUND SEA--not abducted, but included, as if presence could override fate through seeing, and getting it down onto the page.*
Fanny Howe says, *A brilliant visual and musical work, where the techniques of our times are perfected and abandoned one by one. What goes up, comes down, until the only way out is with it.*
Tues Feb 3
New Langton Arts
1246 Folsom St
San Francisco
At the heart of Arteaga's project is the ancient metaphor of a journey,
transgressing boundaries, toward a dark wood: of getting lost to find
something. --Michael Palmer, 1998
Langton presents Alfred Arteaga and Catalina Cariaga reading from new and
recent works in a program of experimental poetry and creative non-fiction.
Arteaga, a celebrated poet and Chicano Studies scholar, reads from his new
manuscript, Frozen Accident, and from his published work. In his essays,
Arteaga offers perspectives on the world as a wandering poet, probing
themes of violence, change, conflict, racism, and human vulnerability.
Cariaga's poetry blends critique, history, autobiography and anecdote in an
exploraton of what it means to be Filipina-American.
The DIASPORA POETICS literary series brings regional experimental poets and
authors into Langton's theater to reflect on Diaspora and cultural production.
Born in East Los Angeles, Alfred Arteaga is interested in how language and
colonial history have informed Chicano identity. Mr. Arteaga is the author
of two books of poetry, Cantos (1991) and Love in the Time of Aftershocks
(1998). He is editor of An Other Tongue: Nationalism and Ethnicity in the
Linguistic Borderlands (1994), and author of the essay collections Chicano
Poetics: Heterotexts and Hybridities (1997) and House with the Blue Bed
(1997). He earned a PhD in literature from the University of California at
Santa Cruz, and is the recipient of a National Endowment for the Arts
creative writing fellowship (1995) and a Rockefeller Foundation fellowship
(1993). He currently teaches poetry in the Ethnic Studies Department at the
University of California, Berkeley.
Catalina Cariaga is the author of Cultural Evidence (1999). Her poetry,
part of a growing body of acclaimed Filipina-American literary work,
addresses her family's diaspora from the South Asian Pacific Islands to
California's coast, exploring themes of cross-cultural understanding and
confusion. A contributing editor of Poetry Flash, Ms. Cariaga received her
MFA from San Francisco State University and has taught on the adjunct
faculty of the New College of California. Her poems have appeared in Chain,
New American Writing and ZYZZYVA. Ms. Cariaga works in Berkeley and lives
with her husband and son in Oakland, California.
Wednesday, January 28, 2004
A great loss!
Author Janet Frame dies
January 29, 2004
New Zealand writer Janet Frame, who was reportedly short-listed for the Nobel Prize for Literature last year and drew on her experiences in mental hospitals for her fiction, has died aged 79.
It’s about time…!!
Denver Public Schools Protect Transgender Students
The Denver Public School System (DPS) recently amended their policy, stating that transgender and gender non-conforming students will be protected under policies unanimously adopted by the school board at its January meeting. The school board voted to add the term "gender identity" to other categories protected under the policy that declares "Equal Educational Opportunities" for students.
The amended policy will read as follows: "All students within this school district regardless of race, color, religion, sex, marital status, national origin, disability, sexual orientation, or gender identity shall be entitled to the benefits of a good education. To secure such benefits, the needs and aspirations of all students shall be considered."
Camp Star Holly Woodlawn in Hospital
Camp star Holly Woodlawn, who appeared in several Andy Warhol films, was in intensive care Tuesday after an injury to her arm became infected, her spokesman said. Woodlawn, 57, a transgender woman, was taken to Temple Community Hospital on Sunday, said her friend and spokesman Brian Hamilton.
Candidates on the issues: Gay rights
The Associated Press chooses an issue three times a week and asks the presidential candidates a question about it. Today's question and responses:
GAY RIGHTS: Do you think gay couples should have the right to enter civil unions that would qualify them for the usual federal benefits of marriage, such as Social Security survivor payments?...
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February 7, 2004
La Tazza Reading Series presents
kari edwards & Ron Silliman
La Tazza
108 Chestnut St. Philly
7pm cocktail hour
readings start 8pm sharp
kari edwards is a poet, artist and gender activist, winner of New Langton Art's Bay Area Award in literature (2002), author of iduna, O Books (2003), a day in the life of p. , subpress collective (2002), a diary of lies - Belladonna #27 by Belladonna Books (2002), and post/(pink) Scarlet Press (2000). she is also the poetry editor I.F.G.E's Transgender - Tapestry: a International Publication on Transgender issues. hir work has been exhibited throughout the united states, including denver art museum, new orleans contemporary art museum, university of california-san diego, and university of massachusetts - amh! erst. edwards' work can also be found in Scribner's The Best American Poetry 2004 (fall, 2004), Experimental Theology, Public Text 0.2., Seattle Research Institute (2003), Blood and Tears: Poems for Matthew Shepard, Painted Leaf Press (2000), Aufgabe, Mirage/Period(ical), Van Gogh's Ear, Fulcrum: an annual of poetry and aesthetics, Pom2, Shearsman, and The International Journal of Sexuality and Gender Studies.
Ron Silliman has written and edited 25 books to date, including the anthology In the American Tree. Since 1979, Silliman has been writing a poem entitled The Alphabet. Volumes published thus far from that project have included ABC, Demo to Ink, Jones, Lit, Manifest, N/O, Paradise, (R), Toner, What and Xing. Cuneiform Press will publish Woundwood, a section of VOG, in 2004. Other poems from VOG have appeared (or will appear) in the anthologies Best Poems of 2002 & Best Poems of 2004. Silliman was a 2003 Literary fellow of the National Endowment for the Arts, a 2002 Fellow of the Pennsylvania Arts Council as we! ll as a Pew Fellow in the Arts in 1998. He lives in Chester County, Pennsylvania, with his wife and two sons, and works as a market analyst in the computer industry. His weblog has been visited nearly 100,000 times since it began in August 2002.
Upcoming Readings:
2.21- John Coletti presents a Joseph Ceravolo tribute reading
3.6- Kaia Sand & Samuel Delany
3.20- Mark Salerno & Barbara Cole
Indiana gay marriage ban may be blocked / Network
Tuesday, January 27, 2004 / 04:57 PM
Although an Indiana Senate committee approved a bill to amend the state Constitution to ban same-sex marriage, an influential House leader declared the bill not important enough for a hearing.
A Senate committee passed the measure on Tuesday by a 10-1 vote. But Rep. Scott Pelath, D-Michigan City, who chairs the House Rules and Legislative Procedure Committee, told the Indianapolis Star that the measure takes a back seat to other issues in his chamber.
*With the multitude of issues we have to deal with that deal directly with people's lives, this just isn't a priority at this moment,* he said in comments published Tuesday morning.
The speaker of the House, B. Patrick Bauer, D-South Bend, agreed.
*It's not a major issue that I've heard of,* Bauer told the Star. *If the people in Washington want to create issues, they can do that. We don't need to create issues. We have enough issues as it is.*
Indiana law already prohibits same-sex marriages. In order for a constitutional amendment to succeed, it must be approved by two separate General Assemblies and then passed by voters in a general election.
Tuesday, January 27, 2004
a quiet song with a summary
there is a grind, a scream, a moan, a death rattle, a chair dragged across the floor, a body shoved into a ditch, the crackle of burning flesh, the whine of a television coming on (continuously coming on, all the time, everywhere, never stopping . . . .).
could be the quack of a duck, a gaggle of geese with one speaker, a dentist drill, a cheap printer, a car starting its engine, a thousand cars starting their engines, a million cars, a million trucks, a billion motorcycles, a thousand planes, jets and missiles going off, crash landing, colliding, screeching to a halt, all at the same time.
the sizzle of water next to a plutonium rod just as the backup cooling system fails, the last sound a hermit crab makes as it suffocates in a body coated in crude oil, a stomach on salmonella, the howl of kreutzfeld-jacob disease, HIV victim’s fear amplified, a heart attack, a birth pain, the lid of a casket closing, the Wichita Vortex Sutra sung by allen ginsberg, a monks chant, the mind deteriorating in an alzheimer's state, slim picken’s hoot riding an atom bomb to oblivion, a burning cigarette in the swindle of silence.
we are what we eat when we eat out - or maybe - find out more in Masha Gutkin's
The survivor's guide to restaurant food: How to eat out without wrecking yourself or your planet.
East German Steroids' Toll: 'They Killed Heidi'
Published: January 26, 200
MAGDEBURG, Germany, Jan. 20 — Andreas Krieger opened a shopping bag in his living room and spilled out his past: track and field uniforms, a scrapbook and athlete credentials from the former East Germany.
The photos on the credentials looked familiar, but the face was fuller and softer, the hair covering the ears and draping down the neck. This was Heidi Krieger, the 1986 European women's shot-put champion, perhaps the most extreme example of the effects of an insidious, state-sponsored system of doping in East Germany.
The taking of pills and injections of anabolic steroids created virile features and heightened confusion about an already uncertain sexual identity, Krieger said, influencing a decision to have a sex-change operation in 1997 and to become known legally as Andreas.....(click for rest of article)
Monday, January 26, 2004
Drunken Boat Launch Party
Thursday, February 19th, 2004, 7:30 pm
Pete's Candy Store, 709 Lorimer Street (between Frost and Richardson Sts.) Williamsburg, Brooklyn, 11211 (718) 302-3770
Subway: L train to Lorimer St; G train to Metropolitan Ave.
Drunken Boat
, online journal for the arts, kicks off Issue#6 with a multimedia extravaganza, featuring poets Andrea Baker, Benjamin Gantcher, Brian Kim Stefans, and sound artists Latasha Natasha Diggs and Cary Peppermint.
Contact Ravi Shankar or (860) 832-2766 for more details.
Andrea Baker's work is forthcoming or has recently appeared in Denver Quarterly, Fence, La Petite Zine, Lit, Vert, and Volt. She is Poetry Editor at 3rd Bed and lives in Brooklyn, NY with her husband and son.
Benjamin Gantcher's poems have appeared in several journals and magazines, including Archipelago, Slate and Tin House, and are forthcoming in Grand Street.
Brian Kim Stefans has published several books and chapbooks of poetry, most recently Jai-lai for Autocrats (poems, Portable Press) and Fashionable Noise: On Digital Poetics (Atelos Books), a miscellany of interviews, poems and poetics. His essay on the political blog he created and co-edited called CircularsCirculars
is forthcoming in a book by MIT Press later this year. He runs, devoted to new media poetry and poetics.
Born and raised in Harlem, writer and vocalist, Latasha N. Diggs rigorously explores sound through macaronic verse, language and electronic vocal processing. Her literary works have been featured in many publications including Ego Trip, The Source, Urb, Vibe, Drum Voices Review, Black Music Review (Japan), Authentic Hair, Long Shot, and Bum Rush the Page, Everything But the Burden, and Black Belt. She is the author of two chap-books, Ichi-Ban: from the files of negríta muñeca linda and Ni-ban: Villa Misería and has just released an conceptual audio project simply called "Televisíon". She has been featured on recordings by Ryuichi Sakamoto, Burnt Sugar, Towa Tei, The Yohimbe Brothers, Billy Bass, Domenico Ferrari, Guillermo E. Brown, Mike Ladd w/ Viajy Iyer, and the compilation Eargasms: Crucial Poetics, Volume 1.
Cary Peppermint is a performance artist involved with immersive environments of convergent media. His work flows through organic and new media technologies, incorporating live performance, interactive installations, experimental music, and the internet. At the most basic level, Peppermint's works are concerned with mediation and the reduction of space and time. Peppermint's works comprise some of the first real-time, interactive performance art realized via the internet including "The Mashed Potato Supper" conceived in 1995 as part of Edinburgh's Fringe Film and Video Festival OE96 and "Conductor Number One" included in "PORT: Navigating Digital Culture" at MIT List Visual Arts Center in 1996. Peppermint lives in New York where he releases work through his performative online database of convergent media at

You are Judith Butler! Your postmodern queer theory
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sexuality, and sex. Your work has blurred lines
between what it means to be a womyn and what it
means to be a man. Queens and transbois all
over the world worship your Birkenstocks!
Which Western feminist icon are you?
brought to you by Quizilla
Sunday, January 25, 2004
February 7th, 7:30, with Ron Silliman @ La Tazza, 108 Chestnut St., Philadelphia, PA
February 10th, 7:00 p.m., with Charles Bernstein @ Casper Jones Cafe, 440 Bergen Street (off of Flatbush Ave) Brooklyn, NY
Thursday, March 18th at 7:30 p.m., with Julianna Spahr @ Modern Times Books Store, San Francisco, CA