
poetics, time, body disruption and marginally queer solutions

Sunday, March 21, 2004

why are they not doing that study for hetrooosexuals///-

City calculating cost for partner benefits
By Matt Williams Staff Writer
GREENSBORO -- With public officials and courts across the country debating the merits of same-sex marriage, the city of Greensboro is studying how much it would cost to offer health benefits to the domestic partners of its employees.


yes, this country is spilt between the bigots, warmongers, and religiously blind.. and well.. tolerance, ... how would you vote?

Gay rights issue may swing votes
Experts split on election
By Lisa Friedman
Washington Bureau
WASHINGTON -- The war in Iraq and the economy at home have emerged as the central issues in the 2004 presidential election, but political experts say the ongoing gay marriage debate could swing large numbers of voters on either side.


Nearly half of area residents oppose a constitutional amendment that effectively bans same-sex marriage while 35 percent favor the measure, a new survey shows.
About 16 percent of area residents say they are still undecided on the issue, according to a New Haven Register/Sacred Heart University poll taken March 8-13.


it seems as if they want to get rid of checks and balances

Coble backs bill to veto high court
By Mark Binker Staff Writer
But lifetime appointees sometimes make mistakes, said the Greensboro Republican, and Congress should be able to correct those errors when the court "misses the mark."That's why he has signed on as an initial co-sponsor to a bill called the Congressional Accountability for Judicial Activism Act. The bill, written by Rep. Ron Lewis, R-Ky., lays out how Congress might override Supreme Court decisions that declare federal laws unconstitutional.


Taxes: From 'I Do' To W-2
March 29 issue - As America's 12,000 gay newlyweds get back from their honeymoons, they'll have to face the same reality their straight counterparts do: taxes. But can same-sex couples file jointly? No, according to the IRS. Certainly not if they married after Dec. 31, 2003, and not as long as the Defense of Marriage Act prohibits the federal government from recognizing same-sex marriages.


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