PALM SPRINGS, Calif. (AP) -- The City Council entered the gay marriage debate by unanimously approving a motion condemning a proposed federal amendment declaring marriage is between a man and a woman.
"This is a message to George W. Bush," Councilman Steve Pougnet said. Last month, Bush proposed amending the U.S. Constitution to ban same-sex marriages. The council voted 4-0 in favor of a resolution condemning the amendment because "many members of our community are in a committed gay or lesbian relationship and would benefit from a same-sex marriage legal framework." The vote followed two hours of emotional testimony.
"This is a very important thing for us. Everybody in the world can get married except gays. We're second-class citizens," said Frank Weston, who was with his partner of 33 years, Stan Pearce. Councilwoman Ginny Foat proposed the resolution. "Our Constitution should never be used to discriminate against a segment of our population," Foat said.
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