
poetics, time, body disruption and marginally queer solutions

Monday, January 03, 2005

From: "Lakshmi V."
Please forward this urgent appeal to all your friends and relatives.

Urgent Relief Needed for Tamil Nadu
Tsunami and Earthquake Victims

Dear friends and devotees,

Jaya Sri Rama. Please accept my humble pranams. We are all very saddened about the terrible devastation that has fallen on our brothers and sisters in South India and other parts of the world. In response to the recent tsunami, the Bhaktivedanta Ashram is arranging a team of volunteers in Tamil Nadu to begin relief work to help the victims. Relief activities are expected to begin on Thursday, December 30th. Within several days an additional team of volunteers from our Orissa ashram will join them to provide further relief supplies including basic necessities
for children and their families. Due to the long term effects of this disaster, the Bhaktivedanta Ashram plans to open a permanent relief center in Chennai so that relief activities can continue even after the immediate media attention dies down. With our past experience of the Orissa cyclone in 1999 we know that such disasters lead to long term difficulties for the victims that continue even after the relief organizations leave. With that in mind we are planning to maintain our relief center in Tamil Nadu permanently so that we can continue caring for those in need, especially the children who are affected by this disaster.

Reports indicate that the death toll in India has reached over 12,500 so far, with children accounting for up to a third of all the dead. Health reports state that the spread of disease could kill as many people in the coming weeks.

In such a situation with millions of displaced people suffering in need of food and clothing it seems an impossible task, but we should not let this discourage us. Let every one of us help in whatever little way we can.

We humbly request all those with sufficient means to donate towards the
tsunami relief work in Tamil Nadu. To donate by credit card you may visit
our website and enter your donation through our secure server:

Donations may also by sent by check made payable to "Bhaktivedanta
International Charities" with the words 'Tamil Nadu Relief' in the memo

Bhaktivedanta International Charities
P.O.Box 34153
Los Angeles, CA 90034
United States of America

I would like to again thank all of our friends and donors who have contributed towards our projects in the past and request everyone to offer whatever service they can, regardless of how small, to help this urgent cause.

Yours in service,

Jahnava Nitai Das,
Bhaktivedanta Ashram &
Bhaktivedanta International Charities

How you can help:

The following are among the aid agencies accepting contributions for
those affected by the earthquake and tsunamis in Asia. Contact the individual
group for information on how to send donations.

American Jewish World Service
45 West 36th Street
New York, NY 10018-7904

American Red Cross
International Response Fund
PO Box 37243
Washington, DC 20013

151 Ellis Street NE
Atlanta, GA 30303

Catholic Relief Services
PO Box 17090
Baltimore, MD 21203-7090

Direct Relief International
27 South La Patera Lane
Santa Barbara, CA 93117

International Orthodox Christian Charities
PO Box 630225
Baltimore, MD 21263-0225

International Medical Corps
11500 West Olympic Blvd., Suite 506
Los Angeles, CA 90064

Oxfam America
26 West Street
Boston, MA 02111-1206

Mercy Corps
PO Box 2669
Portland, OR 97208

Operation USA
8320 Melrose Avenue, Ste. 200
Los Angles, CA 90069


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