
poetics, time, body disruption and marginally queer solutions

Tuesday, February 24, 2004

I have been disheartened today, not only by the news of the president on support for a constitutional amendment to ban same-sex marriage, but by the lack of reaction in general on various lists and blogs. it is true I get to keep reading bits and pieces on poetic inhalation... but I wonder if the same thing would happen if it was blacks, latinas and latinos, women, and or the disabled, who could not get married, or could not do this or that...? I wonder if this is not a blindness of a privileged heterosexual position that makes folks not care, or not say anything, or keep writing about the flower?

now, I know this is no kristallnacht, or jim crow laws that led to separate but equal, but it seems close enough to scare me. to actually see a president limit the rights of some and reinforce the position of others as right, as special.

this false presidency of george bush is troublesome to say the least; the list of lies, deceit, and atrocities are endless; and I am sure somehow it has worn everyone down... but the assault on humanity is still going on, the killings, lies, and loss of liberties. and now the push to pass an amendment to the constitution. as I said before this is nokristallnacht, or seperate but equal, but it close enough. it is a further segmenting of society, like the neat order the nazis thought they could create, or as this president so aptly put it; there are those with us, and those against us. this is the idea that there can be a special order of things, a proper order, a proper place, and proper ones.. is based on the idea of a fixed and permanent state of being; which in propaganda terms is the ideal information to put forth. in other words, this is the way it always is and this is the way it should always be; endless enslavement of some for the good of the new world order.

what is happening(ed) here in san francisco, should be happening everywhere; the people should rise up against this oppression, whether what happened here was with the correct motive or not, it was an act of resistance to this oligarchy, to a fascist dictator. so, if this president wants to secure the boundaries for the union between a man and woman as the most enduring human institution, thus creating an institution of those *not*, then the president is on the right path, since queerness.. has been around, dear as long as the enslavement of women..

a few other things to think about; is this the first step to eroding the laws that protect the GBLT populations? will this act embolden some to perpetrate *more* hate crimes against queers? you bet it will, watch and see as violence against queers is on the rise. one last thought, since this dictator is trying to institute marriage, which situates gender, do you not think it will affect those that do not fit in to neatly to the proposed program or gender segregation? its time to act now... do not wait for the next iron boot to be heard......


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