
poetics, time, body disruption and marginally queer solutions

Thursday, February 12, 2004

being used in 1974

Thanks, for the excellent discussion bring-back, to be sure; and Thanks, for keeping the issue of regret and offending (for whom the bees do); and yes, I certainly don't think straight about how I certainly don't think straight, about people lost in a war that was never a war, that is a war... those recent phallocentric wanna-be's in either can or I feel however. as some say;  two many thought murders, resemble speech. In general, however, alien to the relationship of the following; Thanks, when you're not your spiked perjoratives. It is really well conceived. well something meat. which did not know its subject as, "je." so, let’s get more careful in our professional life discussions... no one within a hundred becomings of saying; respond to the term; I am redemptive, always in print and out of the matter. and Thank you, Thank you, for keeping the future inaccurate and even more careful. In general, however, Thanks, for keeping the great; I am an AnngggRRRY mother of all heterosexualists in 1974 fucking aluminum hum object or amerika... again . . . Thank you; from us to eternity.


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