
poetics, time, body disruption and marginally queer solutions

Sunday, November 09, 2003

what a gift, look what I found in my email box after my return from wonderful time in St. Louis... thank you Aaron, Rebecca, Jay, and Chris... but more later..

from/by: Brenda Iijima

The podium----bombs the spacious----for cities in question----Tuta aiquora silent----A useless beacon----marked by days of war----we are warring----that is right----we are in this cheating war----this includes everyone----the breeze----each color of our thieving----flecked here and there with the scars of ravishment----a symbol----a horrible prayer----Deliveries integral----idyll----preserving one's country's traditions----then qualified for action----animating the cold-blooded politician----fellow puppets----signed off----we see them in the mirror----that easy chairman----and his agent----our everyman and every----he would not have been----then again, false addresses----what he was if the Muse had not been----almost out of reach--enemies----another home----seals the letter----a false homestead----had she not been there---the great lives they lead----but contrived of a plan----towards no one----make due with a self----almost out of character----my sister's gentle discoveries----for every ploughman--the Chinese flowers----welling up inside----my empathy on a silver chain----I sacrifice the moors----we give slender blood--all of the people--immersed in suggestion----an army detection----the better are slaughtered----thus the flowers----thus our glowing foreheads----we brandish illustrious effigies----in a woeful attempt----in anyone's eyes----anyone's eyes----splendid multiples----endorsed by the administration----that gulf----like Bonaparte----confounding--the splintering----an abandonment----we must cry----we must cry out----the landing engendered----the implosion is imminent----atrophy is sorrow----for what was water----civilization.


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