
poetics, time, body disruption and marginally queer solutions

Monday, April 04, 2005

Creating a Workplace Policy Supportive of Transition

What should we put in our workplace policy to be supportive of transgender workers?

Many employers are writing policies to cover the different aspects of a transgender worker who transitions on the job. Having a policy helps assure consistent workers that it is safe to come to you to discuss their need to transition. Supportive policies also help employers improve their rating on the HRC Corporate Equality Index.

A supportive transition policy goes beyond adding the words "gender identity or expression" to your EO nondiscrimination policy. It is important to address issues like communication to coworkers, change of records to reflect the new name and gender, dress codes, and even use of the restroom.

Transgender at Work recommends that employers write a detailed policy document suiting their own workplace environment. Appropriate issues should each be addressed, stating the company policy but allowing sufficient flexibility to meet the specific needs of the situation. Rather than a one size fits all approach, TAW offers resources to inform each employer of the issues and most successful solutions. The policy can then be written to fit your own style.


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