
poetics, time, body disruption and marginally queer solutions

Friday, August 06, 2004

Gays File Suit To Block Louisiana Marriage Ban
by Kevin McGill
The Associated Press

(New Orleans, Louisiana)  A proposed amendment that would lock a same-sex marriage ban into Louisiana's constitution was challenged in state court Friday on grounds it was illegally approved by the Legislature and should be kept off the Sept. 18 ballot.

A proponent of the amendment said the lawsuit was an act of desperation by gay marriage proponents upset over the recent 71 percent approval of a gay marriage ban by Missouri voters.

The amendment includes language that would ban civil unions and still other language that could be interpreted as outlawing the extension of domestic partnership benefits to unmarried couples. That, said attorney Randy Evans, means the legislation is drawn up for more than one purpose — a "multiple objective" forbidden in legislation by the state constitution.

Plaintiffs identified in the suit include a man who opposes government recognition of same-sex marriage but strongly favors government recognition of same-sex civil unions.


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