
poetics, time, body disruption and marginally queer solutions

Wednesday, March 03, 2004

This is the first time I can ever say I am proud to be an amerikan... I never thought I would ever be able to say that, after years of; secret deals, secret and not so ward, lies, sex scandal, partizan bickering, and the slow and subtle silencing of the collective mind of amerika...

but now,

I am so inspired, I see amerika finally waking up after a long sleep, even if it pits one position against another... everyone is waking up... it is about time amerika...

just in the last couple weeks, a mayor in san francisco, and a court in Massachusetts, inspired a revolution. civil disobedience is everywhere; a mayor getting arrested for marring a couple and vowing to do it again.

towns, cites and counties across amerika are taking part.. showing up for a new truth on what it means to be free... college campus's, and local news papers in places you might not expect are being defiant. individuals taking heroic stances, defying the state and getting married on the steps of state capital, protest in the street...

it is the hot topic on every local, state and nation politician - call them today... inform them, now is the time...

call you news papers.

write an editorial

send something to transdada...

protest in the streets

wear a pink triangle are band

rise the rainbow flag...

do something - anything - we can make this happen

go out in the street and make some noise so all of amerika.. or the entire world can hear you /us.. no more entrapment and torture for queer...

today is as good as any day for a revolution!!!



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