
poetics, time, body disruption and marginally queer solutions

Wednesday, March 03, 2004

Demonstrators deride Republicans over gay rights

Associated Press

JEFFERSON CITY, Mo. - About 150 gay-rights supporters rallied at the Capitol on Wednesday to criticize lawmakers who back a proposed constitutional amendment limiting marriage to a man and a woman.
The proposed amendment passed the Senate on Monday, with support from Republicans and some Democrats, although those at the rally singled out only Republicans. The measure still must clear the House and be approved by statewide voters before it could be added to the Missouri Constitution.


Religious groups and gay rights activists clash on steps of BX County Courthouse
(03/03/04) THE BRONX - Religious conservative groups on one side and gay rights groups on the other side. That was the scene on the steps of the Bronx County Courthouse Wednesday.
Senator Reverend Ruben Diaz (D-Bronx) was the key sponsor of the first religious protest of gay marriages in the Bronx. Reverend Diaz said as a minister he is against gay marriage. He believes God created the sanctity of matrimony between a man and woman. Other protesters joined Diaz in citing the bible as a reason why they are opposed to gay marriage.


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