
poetics, time, body disruption and marginally queer solutions

Sunday, March 07, 2004

Democracy Took the Day Off
Thursday March 4, 3:28 pm ET
FT. LAUDERDALE, Fla., March 4 /PRNewswire/
-- Author and Gospel singer BobMiller, a registered Republican shocked his fellow song writers at their annual conference this week with his most unexpected political opinions. Miller said, "With the backbone of the Democratic Party, William Jefferson Clinton, out of the way and the Bush Storm Troopers in place, democracy took the day off. Then this war-for-profit crew moved forward with their plans as if world opinions were irrelevant."


Same-sex marriage jumps into spotlight
Terrain shifts rapidly as pro and con fuel, feed each other
By David Von Drehle and Alan Cooperman
Updated: 11:53 p.m. ET March  07, 2004
As recently as late January, the same-sex marriage fight was something people could track on a calendar, a matter of court dockets, legislative schedules and months between major developments.


Councilwoman wants New York City's mayor to allow gay marriage
New York-AP -- An openly gay New York City councilwoman is urging the city's mayor to muster enough courage to act on his own convictions. Councilwoman Christine Quinn says Mayor Michael Bloomberg should show some leadership and immediately start issuing marriage licenses to same-sex couples.


GOP Wants Ads That Criticize Bush Pulled
By SHARON THEIMER, Associated Press Writer
WASHINGTON - The Republican National Committee on Friday asked about 250 television stations to pull a liberal group's ads critical of President Bush.
The RNC sent the stations a letter Friday suggesting the outlets may be complicit in breaking campaign finance laws if they air the Voter Fund ads. It asked them to decline to broadcast the ads.


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