
poetics, time, body disruption and marginally queer solutions

Thursday, March 18, 2004

Critics step up gay marriage initiative drive
Opponents start registering voters in a push for a constitutional amendment

A statewide initiative campaign to block same-sex marriages will focus on amending the Oregon Constitution because of recent legal opinions from Attorney General Hardy Myers and others, organizers said Wednesday.

Companies offer more benefits to same-sex couples
The Associated Press
3/18/04 8:38 AM
The Wall Street Journal - While President Bush pushes a constitutional ban on gay marriage, change in the workplace is going full speed toward allowing same-sex couples the same work-family benefits and supports as heterosexuals


Ad hoc censor rips paper
Vandal takes scissors to cartoon in student newspaper at COS
By Shannon Darling
Staff writer
Nearly 400 issues in all were discovered. All had the editorial cartoon, which ap-peared on the back of the front page, removed. .....

But the target was the editorial cartoon, drawn by COS student Jose R. Rodriguez. It showed the governor talking about gay marriages and saying, "Marriage should be between a man, his woman and whoever he happens to grope."


Maneuver may aid marriage measure
By Rick Klein and Scott S. Greenberger, Globe Staff, 3/18/2004
A little-noticed maneuver in the closing minutes of the Constitutional Convention may help legislative leaders push their compromise on gay marriage and fend off alternative proposals when lawmakers return to the debate later this month. As the convention wound down last Thursday, Senate President Robert E. Travaglini accepted an amendment by state Senator Brian P. Lees, the Senate's Republican leader, that would make only minor changes to the compromise amendment to ban gay marriage and enact civil unions. The compromise was approved in preliminary votes by the Legislature last week.


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